• 3 Principles of FNB

    1 – Always Vegan or Vegetarian and Free to Everyone Our food is vegan or vegetarian and free to anyone without restriction. Rich or poor, stoned or sober. First, the potential for problems with food spoilage are greatly reduced when dealing strictly with plant based foods. Second, we want our food to reflect our dedication to……

  • 901 Community Fridge Delivery!

    Food Not Bombs dropped off a whole bunch of food to the 901 Community Fridge at First Congregational Church today! That means that all this fresh produce is available to you if you want/need it! The 901 Community Fridge idea is simple—fridges are placed in areas with few other options for fresh foods. If someone……

  • Another Great Feed

    This past Friday, Memphis Food Not Bombs provided beans, rice, cornbread, okra, chili, and mashed potatos to approx 150 folks. The volume of food was huge, and there were also donations from 2 other groups present, so everyone was fed heartily. Thank you so much to the farm that donated veggies, the volunteers that cooked,……

  • Memphis FNB is Active!

    Are you looking for a place to volunteer that actually makes a difference? Well, you’ve found it. Memphis Food Not Bombs is active and meeting weekly, volunteering regularly with other orgs, and making and serving food. We also have Narcan training and supplies, and access to Plan B emergency contraceptive. If someone you know needs…

  • Who is MS4A?

    It’s good to know what’s going on in your community, and who is working to make change. MS4A stands for Mid South 4 Abolition, and they are a group of volunteers dedicated to starting conversations about police abolition. To learn more about police abolition, look into the books We Do This Til We Free Us……

  • Howard Zinn on Anarchism

    Food Not Bombs bases the way we operate on principles of Anarchism. Professor Howard Zinn, author of the People’s History of the United States and long-time supporter of Food Not Bombs, describes anarchism in his book Declarations of Independence as following: “Anarchists, I discovered, did not believe in anarchy as it is usually defined — disorder, disorganization, chaos, confusion,……