901 Community Fridge Delivery!

Food Not Bombs dropped off a whole bunch of food to the 901 Community Fridge at First Congregational Church today! That means that all this fresh produce is available to you if you want/need it!

The 901 Community Fridge idea is simple—fridges are placed in areas with few other options for fresh foods. If someone has pre-packaged or prepared food they don’t want to waste, they put it in the fridge. If someone needs food, they take it. People can also donate refrigerators, money, and their time. 

The first fridge was placed at First Congregational Church at 1000 S. Cooper Street in Cooper Young. It’s on the back side of the building facing Blythe Street and includes a pantry space for donated dry goods.

Plans are underway for expansion—the next fridge will be located in Binghampton at the Carpenter Art Garden. 

Food Not Bombs Memphis will continue to route foods to these fridges into the future.